Attention Deal Hunters! Get ready for exclusive discounts on select products. For a limited-time only, Indipro is offering these unbeatable deals exclusively on our site. Don't miss out on our bi-monthly Flash Deal Fridays, where you'll find incredible savings.
Remember, these offers are available for 24 hours or until supplies last, so act fast! And if you have any questions about the featured products, contact us directly, and we'll be sure to respond as soon as we can.
Ahorrar $75.00
Precio de venta$49.99
Precio habitual$124.99
Open Box Blutech 95Wh V-Mount Battery and Charger Kit
DisponibleAhorrar $80.00
Precio de venta$69.99
Precio habitual$149.99
Universal V-Mount Plate with Multiple Outputs w/ 15mm Rod Base System
DisponibleAhorrar $50.00
Precio de venta$49.99
Precio habitual$99.99
Open Box BP-U95 Lithium-Ion Battery (14.4V, 6800mAh)
DisponibleAhorrar $35.00
Precio de venta$34.99
Precio habitual$69.99
Open Box BP-U65 Lithium-Ion Battery (14.4V, 5200mAh)
DisponibleAhorrar $25.00
Precio de venta$24.99
Precio habitual$49.99
Open Box Dual LCD Charger for BP-U Series Batteries
DisponibleAhorrar $120.00
Precio de venta$169.99
Precio habitual$289.99
Open Box Dual Gold Mount Battery Intelligent Charger
DisponibleAhorrar $40.00
Precio de venta$49.99
Precio habitual$89.99
Open Box V-Mount to NP-F Battery Converter Plate